Member Resources

Understanding Stock Purchase Requirements

As an agricultural cooperative owned by our borrowers, the sale of stock provides capital to GreenStone Farm Credit Services. We use the capital to secure funding for the Farm Credit bonds which provide the funding for the loans we make. Also, because we're a primary lender, not an agent for another lender, we can access money at highly competitive rates.

You, our customers, are our stockholders and are responsible for electing our governing board of directors. Agricultural operations are more sophisticated than ever, and our goal is to remain responsive and continue to offer the best services and interest rates possible.

This goes back to our history and why Farm Credit was created. Commercial banks often shift their lending emphasis to more profitable and less risky enterprises and consumer lending in down economic cycles in rural areas. This is when credit is needed most, and it may not be available to farmers. Member investment in GreenStone ensures a continuous, dependable, source of credit for agriculture and rural homeowners with availability of money during all economic cycles.


Farm Credit Discounts

Farm Credit System customers are eligible for discounts at retailers and businesses nationwide


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