Recognizing Youth!
GreenStone Grow Something Good



GreenStone not only recognizes the good youth are doing within their communities, but we want to celebrate them too! To do so, GreenStone will be handing out T-Shirts to youth who stand out among their peers for embodying the phrase "Grow Something Good" with the goal of acknowledging those youth who are growing within themselves, among others, and within their communities.

Grow Something Good 

In today’s world, we need to highlight all the good we can and keep encouraging youth to continue positivity. 

So, what does the phrase "Grow Something Good" mean? Well, it can mean an array of things. We want to ensure we recognize and reward youth of diverse backgrounds and interests that exemplify positive characteristics such as hardworking, kind, giving, or reliable. Growing something good can include youth who volunteer within their community, portray leadership inside and outside of the classroom such as within 4-H or FFA, or even those who give a helping hand when needed or without being asked.  

Show Us Something Good 
If you know someone who earned one of these shirts, congratulate them on making a positive impact within your community and encourage them to continue the great work!  

To see all the great ways youth in Michigan and Wisconsin are doing good, watch GreenStone’s Facebook or Instagram for photos with the #GrowSomethingGood. We will use social media and our website as a platform to showcase the positive and inspiring acts being completed by youth. By sharing these stories, we hope to inspire more youth to make a difference in the world!

To view the article in the online 2022 Summer Partners Magazine, click here.



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