PAC Progress
American flag waving underneath government building

Since the spring issue of Partners...

GreenStone has been steadily communicating the challenges and opportunities of agriculture and rural America.

The budgeting process for the MI GreenStone PAC has been completed with the conclusion of the 2019 MI GreenStone PAC Contribution Campaign. Over 40 elected government officials were identified by the Board of Directors to be recipients of MI GreenStone PAC funds with input from Kelley Cawthorne, GreenStone’s outside lobbying consultant. Delivery of the funds has begun and the goal is to have it completed by year end.

In addition to communicating about the Farm Credit System and agriculture, the beneficiaries are made aware that the funds came from Farm Credit cooperative members that appreciate the work being done to address challenges and create further opportunities for Michigan agriculture.

In Wisconsin, since the conclusion of the 2019 WI Farm Credit PAC contribution campaign, opportunities to connect legislators to customers and staff in branch “Meet and Greets” have been identified. Later, when legislators are able to accept contributions to their campaigns, the WI Farm Credit PAC will make disbursements.

The national Farm Credit PAC has been disbursing funds within GreenStone’s territory. Members, directors, and management have been involved in meeting U.S. Senators and Representatives. All meetings have been mutually beneficial as the Farm Credit story is shared and the happenings of DC are relayed. In addition, current focus is placed on talking about the importance of having a strong farm safety net programs and access to international markets. Y

our support of elected officials is commended and greatly appreciated by recipients of PAC funds. Communicating the challenges and new opportunities to elected officials is an important component to raising awareness and gathering support. As champions of the agriculture industry, we all must continue to work closely to ensure agriculture is not forgotten as an essential component to a thriving economy and safe food system.


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