Crop Insurance Plans

Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Crop Insurance Plans

Revenue Protection
Revenue Protection & Harvest Price Exclusion
Yield Protection
Actual Production History
Area Yield Protection
Area Revenue Protection
APH (Fruit)
Actual Production History-Fruit Crops
Insures Against  Individual Revenue Risk  Individual Revenue Risk    Individual Production Risk  Individual Production Risk   Count Production Risk   County Revenue Risk   Individual Production Risk 

Price Protection

Upside and Downside  Downside  Not Applicable Not Applicable   Not Applicable Upside and Downside Only with ARP-HPE  Not Applicable 
Loss Coverage(s)   Revenue Price and Yield Protection  Revenue Price and Yield Protection Yield Protection  Wide Range of Losses Caused by Nature  Yield Protection Based on Expected County Yield Revenue Protection Based on Expected County Revenue  Wide Range of Losses Caused by Nature 
Yield Coverage   50% to 85% of APH Yield  50% to 85% of APH Yield 50% to 85% of APH Yield  50% to 75% of APH Yield  70% to 90% of Expected County Yield*   70% to 90% of Expected County Revenue** 50% to 85% (Depends on Crop) 
Price Coverage  Higher of: Projected Price or Harvest Price  Projected Price  Projected Price   60% to 100% of Established Price Uses Expected Price in Indemnity Calculations  Projected Only with ARP-HPE; Higher of Projected and Harvest with ARP  RMA Established Price 
Loss Payments Paid When  Actual Revenue is less than Revenue Guarantee   Actual Revenue is less than Revenue Guarantee Actual Yield is less than Yield Guarantee  Actual Yield is less than Yield Guarantee  Actual County Yield is less than Selected Trigger   Actual County Revenue is less than Selected Trigger  Actual Yield is less than Yield Guarantee 
Insurable Units  Basic, Optional, Enterprise and Whole Farm Units  Basic, Optional, Enterprise and Whole Farm Units  Basic, Optional, Enterprise and Whole Farm Units   Basic and Optional One Unit, County Wide, by Crop  One Unit, County Wide, by Crop  Basic and Optional 
Cost Comparison  Higher per acre than APH  Less per acre than RP   Less per acre than RP-HPE  Varies by Crop, County, State, Practice, Options  Similar to YP  Varies by Area; Higher Cost than AYP  Varies by Crop, County, State, Practice, Options 
Record Keeping Required  YES
Acreage and Production Reports 
Acreage and Production Reports  
Acreage and Production Reports  
Acreage and Production Reports  
Acreage and Production Reports  
Acreage and Production Reports  
Acreage-PAW and Production Reports  
Replant  Available  Available   Available Available  Not Available   Not Available Not Applicable 
Prevented Planting  Available  Available  Available  Available   Not Available Not Available  Not Applicable 
Other Information  High Risk Land Exclusion and Late Plant Provisions Available   High Risk Land Exclusion and Late Plant Provisions Available Can Add Endorsement for Harvest Price ($)  High Risk Land Exclusion and Late Plant Provisions Available  Must Select a Production Factor from 0.8 - 1.2  Must Select a Production Factor from 0.8 - 1.2    Can Add Quality Option for Apples
Most Common Crop Policy Available On  Corn, Soybeans, Barley and Wheat  Corn, Soybeans, Barley and Wheat  Corn, Soybeans, Barley and Wheat  Oats, Sugar Beets, Potatoes, Onions, Alfalfa, Dry Beans, Perennial Crops   Corn, Soybeans and Wheat in Some Counties  Corn, Soybeans and Wheat in Some Counties Apples, Grapes, Peach and Blueberries 

*(Trigger Yield) as determined by National Agricultural Statistics Service

** As determined by National Agricultural Statistics Service in indemnity calculation

Availability of policies and coverage vary by crop and county.

GreenStone Farm Credit Services is an equal opportunity provider. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices and employees and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs).


Crop Insurance Commodity Pricing

Review RMA projected and harvest prices for row crops along with fruit prices for APH policies.

Important Crop Insurance Dates

Keep track of important insurance periods, planting dates, and reporting deadlines.

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